Forgiveness is a choice.
Forgiveness should never be earned; it must be given as a gift, even to those who don’t deserve it .
When someone hurts you, don’t wait for them to say sorry before you forgive them. Don’t wait for anyone to ask for your forgiveness before you choose to forgive. Forgive them even before they ask for forgiveness, and even if they never ask for it.
To forgive is your prerogative; its your choice.
It just doesn’t matter what anyone did to you. Chose to forgive.
You see, the human heart and mind was never designed to harbor bitterness and unforgiveness, because they are poisonous to spirit, soul and body.
Forgiveness is a soul-cleansing act.
You do it for your own spiritual health, and never for the sake of the fellow that hurt you.
Forgiveness is a health-restorer.
A lot of illnesses today would be gone if only we’ll let go of cherished hurts and bitterness.
Sometime ago, a crippled man was brought to my healing crusade. I had already begun to minister when he was rolled into the hall in a wheelchair.
I called him forward immediately because I had seen him in my spiritual vision rise to his feet. But when I called to him to stand up and walk, he couldn’t. I was surprised.
I was so certain he was healed that I asked his wife and sons to bring him again the next day.
That night I asked the Holy Spirit why the man couldn’t get up when I commanded him to. He told me that the man had bitterness in his heart against his wife!
The woman, the Lord continued, had hurt the man five years before then, and he still harbored the pain in his heart. The unforgiveness was eating up his bones and destroying his life.
The next evening when they rolled him to the front where I was laying hands and praying for the sick, I told him what the Lord had said to me the previous night. I asked him to forgive his wife. I also asked the wife to pray for him before I did.
I then laid my hands on him and prayed a very simple prayer for him. I was certain he would walk before dawn.
He did.
Unforgiveness had kept him in a wheelchair for over five years!
Unforgiveness is such a weight and a burden. Never let it take you down.
You must choose to forgive, for your own health and peace of mind.
Let go of those hurts today, and let God restore your health and your fortunes.
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