30 June 2012

So have a peaceful night and make a wish! :)))

When you Change the belief to, "I do deserve to create a reality of effortlessness and ease, and I will be supported,” then that’s the reality you will get; the universe will support you 100% in that direction. Because now that’s what you believe. All you need to do is be willing to recognize that 100% trust in the direction you prefer will create the reality you desire to experience.
 ~ Bashar via Darryl Anka 

29 June 2012

Good Day and keep your eyes wide open for every answear you need, because everything is around us and all we need to do is to read the signs... Stay smile after all! :))

When I woke up this morning, I asked myself, "What is life about?" I found the answer in my room...the fan said, "Be cool." The roof said, "Aim high." The window said, "See the world!" The clock said, "Every minute  is precious." The mirror said, "Reflect before you act." The calendar said, "Be up to date." The door said, "Push hard for your goals." The floor said, "Kneel down and pray" ♥ 

28 June 2012

И прошепнала бавно мечтата...

Мечтая за бавна вечеря
на бавно догарящи свещи,
пред бавно пращящия огън,
под бавно ръмящия дъжд.

... И бавно макар да намеря
следите все още горещи
на бавно промъкващ се спомен
тъй бавно убиван веднъж.

За бавна любов си мечтая,
за бавно докосващи пръсти
и бавно проникващ ме поглед
на бавно обичащ ме мъж.

Таз бавна далечна омая
на бавно забравящи устни
и сливане бавно във полет
без нужда от слънце и дъжд.

И бавно скимтяща китара,
отнасяща в мрака далеко
потайните стъпки на нашата
несбъдната бавна мечта.
Мадлен Алгафари

27 June 2012

Сънувайте много любов..

Тя отива да спи. Тя трепти от умора.
Този ден беше пълен със хиляди "не!".
Натоварен до празно от хора и хора
и препълнен до горе с посивяло небе.
А нощта се разсипва прозрачно с мъглата.
... Жълти призрачни лампи светят навън.
Тя съблича от себе си бавно тъгата..
и гримира очите си с ягодов сън.
А леглото е тихо. С нацъфтели лалета.
С много място за нейния Той.
Тя се сгушва до него (поне във сърцето си).
И сънува любов.. Сънува любов...

09 June 2012


Say it before it's too late...

I hope you are Happy!

Do more!

Do more than belong: participate. 
Do more than care: help. 
Do more than believe: practice. 
Do more than be fair: be kind. 
Do more than forgive: forget. 
Do more than dream: work.
~ William Arthur Ward

Do small things with great love ♥ ~Mother Theresa

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. ~Steve Jobs

Hope anchors the soul. ~Hebrews 6:19

It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about. ~Dale Carnegie

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.. xx

Whatever course you have chosen for yourself, it will not be a chore but an adventure if you bring to it a sense of the glory of striving. ~David Sarnoff

People may doubt what you say, but they will believe what you do. ~Lewis Cass

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.

Over-thinking distorts the truth, endlessly twisting things around in your head just ties you up in knots of worry that sit in your stomach and upset your equilibrium. Over-thinking makes everything seem much more difficult than it actually is, erodes our courage and perpetuates the negative cycles.. stop it! Be brave, be bold, have faith and courage, breathe deeply and make things happen ♥ Hxx

The inability to open up to hope is what blocks trust, and blocked trust is the reason for blighted dreams. ~Elizabeth Gilbert

This is your life, start living it, before it's too late.. xx

Please don't wait till you've done this, or that, or finished studying, or gotten through that stressful bit, or lost weight, or earn't more money, or got that promotion, or finished that project, or met that person, or been to that place, or achieved whatever.. just take a deep breath and understand that this moment is all you have for sure, so make sure you make it count! ♥ Blessings, Hxx 

In life you're going to be left out, talked about, lied to, & used, but you have to decide who's worth your tears and who's not.

Because it's a shame to waste your energy, so save it for the loyal, trustworthy, loving, kind, caring souls you will aslo doubtless meet along the way ♥ Hxx 

Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.. xx

We do not remember days, we remember moments.

It is the nature of the strong heart, that like the palm tree it strives ever upwards when it is most burdened. ~Philip Sidney

Slow down. Breathe. Re-focus.

Sometimes life gives us those pockets of time where it's possible to gain perspective, assess our situation, and see a fresh direction. The trick is recognising those moments, often disguised as waiting periods, or plans falling apart, or expectations failing to come to fruition, or any other kind of disappointment.. so be sure to check it's not just a signal for re-direction. Make time wherever you can, to slow down, breathe & refocus.. you never know where it might lead you! Blessings & love ♥ Hxx 

И нека помечтаем ... :))))

Колелото на мечтите!!! 
А вие за какво мечтаете?? :)
Успешна и спокойна събота! :))

Sunshine in the heart...

Power does not come from physical capacity. It comes with indomitable will.

Силата не идва от физическия капацитет. Тя идва от неукротимата воля.

Никога не спирай!

Ако не можеш да летиш - поне опитай да тичаш. 
Ако не можеш да тичаш - не спирай да вървиш.
Ако не можеш да вървиш - тогава пълзи.
Но каквото и да правиш ... никога не спирай да се движиш напред!

If you judge people, you have no time to LOVE them. ~Mother Teresa

Enjoy each day....Life is priceless!

Today forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again ♥

05 June 2012

Each morning, when your mind is still empty, devote a little time to the Divine…Inhale deeply and ask for all the blessings in the air to enter your body and fill every cell. Then exhale slowly, projecting happiness and peace around you. -Paulo Coelho

Be BRAVE to welcome a new HELLO!

Everything happens for a reason...

Sometimes in Life there are things that We don't want to do, but We have to!

I Fall, I Rise, I make Mistakes, I Live, I Learn, I've been Hurt but I'm Alive. I'm Human, I'm not perfect but I'm Thankful.

Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.

Let your past make you better, not bitter.

Don't forget that YOU ARE SPECIAL too! ;)

I miss your smile. But I miss mine more!

I always manage to say those two words " I'm fine! "